The Devil Will Study You: Understanding the Enemy’s Tricks

While God is doing amazing and unusual things in these times, we need to be aware that we are in a spiritual battle. The devil, our enemy, always looks for ways to trip us up. He studies us closely to find our weaknesses and use them against us. Knowing this can help us stand strong in our faith and overcome his tricks.

What Is Spiritual Warfare?

The Bible tells us in Ephesians 6:12 that our fight isn’t against other people but against spiritual forces of evil. This means we need to be prepared and put on the whole armor of God to protect ourselves from the devil’s schemes.

The Devil’s Strategy: Watching and Waiting

The devil is like a detective who watches our every move. He notes our habits, weaknesses, and the things that upset or scare us. By understanding these patterns, he knows exactly how to make us stumble.

The Devil’s Tricks

  1. Finding Weak Spots: The devil knows where we are weak and attacks those areas. It could be a bad habit, an unresolved argument, or a past hurt.
  2. Creating Strongholds: The devil plants false ideas and beliefs in our minds. These strongholds become places where he can influence us negatively.
  3. Messing with Our Emotions: The devil knows how to make us feel fear, anger, or sadness. If we let these emotions control us, we might move away from our faith in God.

How to Protect Ourselves: The Armor of God

To fight against the devil’s tricks, we need to put on the armor of God, which includes:

  • The Belt of Truth: Hold on to God’s truth to fight against the devil’s lies.
  • The Breastplate of Righteousness: Living a good and honest life protects our hearts.
  • The Shoes of Peace: Standing firm in Jesus’ peace helps us stay strong.
  • The Shield of Faith: Believing in God protects us from doubt and fear.
  • The Helmet of Salvation: Knowing we are saved keeps our minds safe.
  • The Sword of the Spirit: God’s Word (the Bible) is our weapon against the devil.
  • Prayer: Talking to God keeps us alert and spiritually strong.

Closing the Door to the Devil

Sometimes,, we leave the door open for the devil by not dealing with our sins or by holding onto grudges. We need to repent, which means turning away from these wrong things and closing these doors to keep the devil out.

Victory Through Faith

Remember, we are not fighting for victory; we are fighting from a place of victory because Jesus has already won. Our job is to stay strong and aware of the devil’s tricks, knowing that we can win any battle with God on our side. The devil is always watching us, looking for ways to make us fall. By understanding his tricks and wearing the full armor of God, we can stand strong in our faith and overcome any challenge. Stay alert, stay armored, and remember that the battle belongs to God.