Media Policy

Effective Date: June 2024


The purpose of this Media Policy is to provide guidelines for all members, staff, and volunteers of Gate Ministries Douglasville (“Gate Ministries,” “we,” “us,” or “our”) regarding interactions with the media and the use of media to ensure that all communications are consistent, respectful, and aligned with our mission and values.


This policy applies to all members, staff, volunteers, and representatives of Gate Ministries when communicating with the media or using media platforms on behalf of Gate Ministries.

Media Inquiries

  1. Designated Spokespersons: Only designated spokespersons are authorized to speak on behalf of Gate Ministries. The designated spokespersons are:
    • The Senior Pastor
    • The Communications Director
    • Any other individual explicitly authorized by the Senior Pastor or Communications Director
  2. Handling Media Inquiries: All media inquiries should be directed to the Communications Director. Staff, members, and volunteers should not respond to media inquiries unless they are the designated spokesperson or have received explicit authorization.

Social Media Use

  1. Personal Use: While using personal social media accounts, members, staff, and volunteers should be mindful of their association with Gate Ministries. Personal views should be clearly stated as such and should not be presented as official statements of Gate Ministries.
  2. Official Accounts: Only authorized individuals may create and manage official Gate Ministries social media accounts. All content posted on official accounts must be approved by the Communications Director or their designee.
  3. Content Guidelines: When posting on official Gate Ministries social media accounts:
    • Ensure all content aligns with the mission, vision, and values of Gate Ministries.
    • Avoid any content that could be considered offensive, discriminatory, or inappropriate.
    • Do not disclose confidential or sensitive information.
    • Respect copyright laws and intellectual property rights.

Photography and Videography

  1. Consent: Obtain written consent from individuals (or their guardians, in the case of minors) before taking and using their photographs or videos for Gate Ministries’ media purposes.
  2. Event Coverage: During events, inform attendees that photography and videography will take place and provide an option for individuals to opt out if they do not wish to be photographed or recorded.

Confidentiality and Privacy

  1. Protecting Privacy: Do not share or disclose personal information about members, staff, volunteers, or attendees without their explicit consent.
  2. Sensitive Information: Do not share or discuss sensitive or confidential information about Gate Ministries’ operations, strategies, or internal matters with the media or on public platforms.

Crisis Communication

  1. Crisis Management Team: The Senior Pastor and the Communications Director will form the core of the Crisis Management Team to handle communications during a crisis.
  2. Unified Response: During a crisis, all communications should be channeled through the Crisis Management Team to ensure a consistent and accurate message.


  1. Adherence to Policy: All members, staff, and volunteers are expected to comply with this Media Policy. Failure to adhere to this policy may result in disciplinary action.
  2. Training: Gate Ministries will provide training to staff and volunteers on media relations and the appropriate use of media.

Review and Amendments

This Media Policy will be reviewed annually and updated as necessary to ensure it remains relevant and effective. Changes to the policy will be communicated to all members, staff, and volunteers.

Contact Information

For questions or further information about this Media Policy, please contact:

Gate Ministries Douglasville
Douglasville, GA
Phone: 347-636-7816

Thank you for your cooperation and commitment to representing Gate Ministries Douglasville in a positive and consistent manner.